Thursday, January 29, 2009

Dear Mr. President ...

Today is Thursday 29 , 2009 Time 3:27

Mr. President:

I heard the President say on television that if any one had an answer to the economic problem he would like to hear it. So here it is.

When the government gives money to these Companies they need to say in your Reconstruction you can not lay off any of your workers. Because the problem is, as soon as these companies get the money they start laying people off. .

We can't get loans or credit without having perfect credit. So how is this helping in the bail out for the American people.

If it takes the American people to spend money to bring the economy back, give us the money and we will start the money to flowing .

By Giving the American People the money, you will bail the American people out and put money back into the economy. This way every one wins and the people will spend the money . Do You know how I know. Because we need food, we need to pay the rent, we need to fix the car and we need money to look for a job. We need some hope.Something to keep us holding on.

A man killed his wife, kids and his self because he and his wife loss there job.
this is deep!

The Public should have a voice in this decision,

I would like to know what you think.

Thank You

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