Thursday, October 30, 2008

Daley worries about Olympics, not enough about street gangs, Thurs 10-30-08

Today is Thursday October 30, 2008
Time 12:58 am

The Mayor is so worried about the Olympics coming to Chicago. What about all the violence. People all over the world know about Chicago's crime rate. Who wants to come here. If I did not live here, I wouldn't want to come. It's like the days of Al Capone and his gang, killings every day. It's embarrassing to me that my friends and family won't come to Chicago. Mayor, it should be embarrassing to you to know people think Chicago is the crime Capital of the world, and you are the head of this City, and you let things get out of hand .Mayor Daley you have made Chicago a beautiful City but with all the crime and corruption the people of Chicago can't enjoy it. Being the Mayor is a very hard job but this is your City and I just don't want to get shot down going to the store.

You can make the difference!

Thank You

1 comment:

Dee said...

I totally agree Carmen. Maybe the unfortunate and senseless tragedy of Jennifer Hudson will allow the world to take notice and see Chicago for what it really is; a rotten apple wrapped in a pretty bow. This city is unsafe especially for those living in less affluent neighborhoods. Maybe those who care will decide to choose a tourist friendly city to host the Olympics.
Then, maybe the mayor can use our tax dollars more productively and offer safety to the people of this city. Hire more Chicago Police instead of paying for the Olympics.
