Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Guns don't kill ... Wed August 12, 2008

In one of my articles, I told you about my friend getting held up at the store where she works. I stopped by to see if she was OK. She said that one of the robbers had a gun to her side. He told her that if she moved, she would be shot in the face. Now every time she thinks about what happened she starts to cry. She said she cannot sleep at night.

Another friend called me to tell me her 50 year old brother was shot and killed by gun violence. I hear stories like this all the time.

In some communities their is very little violence. The police come when they are called.

The city of Chicago is good at telling us what to do about violence. Help the police. Go to the CAP meetings. March for gun control.

But, nothing changes.

Even though the city does not want to take responsibility for the violence in our community they are part to blame.

Why do we need to force the city to protect its citizens

I am all for gun control. But guns don't kill people. People kill people .

Criminals just don't turn in their guns.

Thank You

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