Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday, August 3, 10:30 PM: Some down time in gang violence

Today is Sunday August 3, 2008
Time: 10:30 PM
For the past three days there has not been any shooting in my block.

But two blocks away a boy was sent to the hospital, because of gang violence.

I turned the TV on and saw that on the west side of Chicago one young man was killed
and a teen was shot in the head and killed. We are all asking the same questions what is the City doing about it?

Even though violence happens all over Chicago, it happens mostly on the South and West sides of Chicago because that is where most of the Section-8 People were relocated.

My children are very worried about me. But I can not sit back and hope it goes away. I want my grand kids to grow up.

Thank You

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