Friday, August 22, 2008

Why do we vote? Fri Aug 22, 2008

Why do we vote? We vote because we want the candate we are voting for
to do the very best job they can, for all the people. When they run for office they Promise us they will do their best. But when we fine out that person is not doing the job they promised to do, We have the power to get rid of them.

We must understand that no one gives us anything. We work hard every day.Pay our taxes so we can have good schools, health care and safe community. We always hear them say they don't have enough money for the needs of the people. But they have enough money to give themselves raises. Why are these people still in office. This is the time to turn things around. Maybe they have forgotten what their job is. To service the people, not them selves. And our job is to make sure they do. They will do what we allow them to. We are all to blame for the way the world is today. We must let the politicians know that we are not going to allow them to do anything they want. And we can do that with our votes

Thank You

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